Not Good News


I am sorry to say that,if you didn’t know, New Masters Gallery has had a fire. For those of you who are aware of this situation, I wanted to let you know I will continue to sell my work on the gallery’s behalf during their renovations. First and foremost, of course, nobody was hurt. And, most of the art is safe.

Hopefully all of those people who have enjoyed the wonderful collection that Bill Hill and his family have presented over their forty plus years in business in Carmel, will continue to support them through these difficult times.

If anyone is interested in a painting from my Available page, and are unable to contact the gallery during this hectic period for them, please feel free to contact me.

Just consider me the temporary New Masters Gallery annex for my work. I have great skills in packing paintings and am not afraid to use them.

Please call me or contact me via e-mail with any questions you might have.

Thank you!

