Yes, More Otters

kelp forestWhen I first started painting all those years ago, I decided that I was not going to paint adults. Never. That limited me to painting trees. Some grass, and, an odd shrub. And laboriously a kid here and there, a dog a bunny. And, no buildings.

I added an odd barn here and there, then, a simple house or a portion of one. And then, perhaps an adult, but only in a silhouette. From there, a commission to do a cable car painting and San Francisco. Eventually, I did pretty much anything.

It was, in the end, simply a learning process. I tried things and eventually after much practice, got quite good at them. In my own style of course.

Me learning to paint, or com-paint as I call it, has been a process too. Every time I open the program I learn something new. Instead of me telling myself, it can never do what I do with my brushes on canvas, I’ve found that, some things it can’t. But it can do some things that I’d never attempted on canvas. Or at least, not without a few broken brushes and a multitude of hissy fits.

Now, as the dog can tell you, I have had a good many hissy fits over the computer and the recycle bin had been bombarded on many an occasion, and an image warped to within an inch of its life. At least with the computer I’m tossing around pixels rather than paint.

So, here is my new offering. Enjoy! And let me know what you think.
